MASONNET Test Account Org: MASONNET, AccVAL=00082TEST, MASONNET Staff_TEST, Joined 1/1/1969.
Now, staff members can do more with the all-new MASONNET App, available on the web and on iOS. With the MASONNET App, now you can quickly access all of your tools in one place, whether your tools are on external websites, or integrated into our software, it's easy with the MASONNET App. All you have to do is sign in with your new MASONNET Account, the one account for all of our services. You will still be able to access your individual accounts on DA HOOD, etc, but these new accounts will be your main accounts for every MASONNET tool that you will need to access. Another cool thing about the new accounts is that they are linked to your OneBadge, the one badge that lets you access exclusive employee events, tools, rooms, offices, elevators, and more! You will be able to get into MASONNET Plaza (Main HQ) with this authentication method. All you have to do is tap, and we'll automatically do the rest. Everything is easier with the MASONNET App.